community survey results
Did you take a poll or a survey and are now curious how the rest of the community weighed in?
As a supplement to our March 11th Community Open House we invited the community to participate in an online survey. In total 1,743 individuals took the survey.
The results file includes both a graphic summary and all individual comments captured during the process.
This community input survey provided the project team with more detailed information related to prioritizing future improvements in the City’s park system. In total 1.025 individuals took the survey.
work product
We will be getting feedback throughout the process, but we also encourage you to review our progress on the plan’s final components.
The draft plan chapters can be accessed using the following links. Comments can be shared with the planning team by using the contact form located here.
Chapter Three: The Current Need
Chapter Five: The Steps Forward
project meetings
Public Presentation- Parks Board Meeting: September 10, 2020
At the regular monthly meeting of the Parks Board, the planning team provided an update on the project process and presented the draft action plan priorities. The planning team has asked for comments on the draft action plan priorities by September 30, 2020. As part of the COVID-19 social distancing protocols, the meeting was made available via Zoom for those who felt more comfortable participating from home. During the review period, the Parks Board and all Richmond residents are encouraged to review the draft plan chapters. Draft documents are available here.
Download materials now- Presentation | Handouts
Project Master Plan Meeting #2: June 11, 2020
A meeting of the project steering committee was held to update the committee on progress made since the public workshop which was held on March 11. During this meeting a presentation was given to provide an update on the project process, schedule, community input provided to date and system findings following the inventory and analysis of current offerings. As part of the COVID-19 social distancing protocols, the meeting was made available via Zoom for those who felt more comfortable participating from home.
Download materials now- Presentation | Summary Packet
Public Workshop #1: March 11, 2020
Public engagement is a vital component of the 2020 Richmond Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan update. The first public open house was held on March 11, 2020 at Lingle Hall at Reid Hospital from 5:30pm to 7:00 pm. In total, 60 individuals signed in using the open house sign-in sheets.
Download materials now- Station Boards | Summary Packet
Focus Group Meetings: March 11, 2020
On Wednesday March 11, 2020, the project consulting team facilitated five group discussions with representatives from Highland Golf Course, the Richmond Senior Center, the Maintenance and Operations team, the Recreation team, the Floral team, front office staff and City leaders and department heads. Each group met for one hour and discussed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the park system and the specific events and tasks that they are involved in on a daily basis.
Download the meeting summary now- Summary Packet
Project Master Plan Meeting #1: February 13, 2020
A meeting of the project steering committee was held to kick off the park planning process! During this meeting a presentation was given to orient the masterplan committee to the planning purpose and process, their role and responsibilities, review what information we have been able to collect to date.
Download materials now- Presentation | Summary Packet
Curious about what the project team are seeing or saying?
All meeting agendas, presentations, and summaries will be available for review and download throughout the process.